Established 2006 as a response to Parish Survey done by CARA.
Members number around 40, ages 50 to 101. Average attendance at events around 30.
Members are single, married, divorced, widows and widowers.
Meetings are monthly, normally on the fourth Tuesday, in the Parish Hall, unless preempted by a Funeral Reception.
What do we do?
We love to eat! Monthly breakfasts and lunches, and our amazing covered dish lunches.
We take trips! We have been to Biloxi, New Orleans, Mobile to see Vatican exhibits, art exhibits, Bellingrath Gardens and others.
We have been on Pilgrimages – to St. Augustine, Birmingham, Hanceville, Cullman, Conyers, New Orleans, to see Eucharistic Miracle exhibits and to Father Jose’s healing mass in Jacksonville.
We have had annual days of recollection with area priests or seminarians.
Our service projects are many: one group of YAH members go to the Santa Rosa Health and Rehab center twice a month to help residents play bingo. Another group use grocery store bags to make plastic mats for the homeless; we have provided meals for Family Promise, funeral receptions and Life Teen. We have sponsored collections for the Alfred Washburn center, and baby showers for the Pregnancy Resource. Our casino funds purchased all the chairs for the new Education building, the crosses on the walls in the classrooms, and all the benches in the upstairs hall.
We have provided financial support for several young St. Rose men and women doing missionary work.
We have sponsored information sessions on Hospice, Funeral services and arrangements, cyber safety and others.
We care for each other – meals for funerals, masses for our deceased members.
If you would like to visit one of our events, check the bulletin for times and places.